UX | Product Designer

I help businesses take the complexity out of user experience and design products that drive growth.

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Professional work

UX Chunks Notion Manual

The world’s largest Notion manual for product designer to help them master UX/UI activities leveraging bite-size learning & progressive disclosure.

Sold in more than 15 countries, UX Chunks aims to empower designers by guiding them throughout their process .To further support the design community, I've designed several Figma templates with over 60,000 downloads to date.
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My Design Framework

In my Medium article for UX Collective, I broke down the product design process into three lean modules. I explained how to tackle challenging problems by dividing them into smaller pieces of information to deliver high-end experiences.

The article garnered appreciation from professionals at companies like IBM, Microsoft, McKinsey & Co, Walmart, Shopify, Trainline, Bosch, Glovo, Dell, and many other designers.
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In memory of DOOM

In the honor of this great artist, I've designed a web page to remember his music, his passion and his huge contribution to hip-hop music across the globe.
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Vought Website

I've re-imagined how Vought International, the American multi-billion dollar that manages the global population of licensed Supes in the world of The Boys would represent themself online.
About me

Strategic Designer on a Mission to Embrace Challenges with Glee

I am driven by my passion for creating elegant and impactful solutions that bring real value to people. My love for design extends beyond just my work, as I also enjoy sharing my knowledge and helping others in their design journey. I am committed to expanding my design insights and making a positive impact in the design community.